The reason why I was born with disease?
It’s to be happy … more than ever.
Every life is woven altogether.
I mean, there is no individual life.
Every life of each one of us is woven as one.
— “I Am Who I Was Meant to Be” (by Rio INYAKU, 2012)
Rio was born with some congenital heart and lung disease so that was hospitalized over thirty times and has been under home oxygen therapy until 9 years old. He has unique sensibilities and prenatal memories that his words which were recorded by his mother came to a book, “I Am Who I was Meant to Be”(2012), which was sold 130,000 copies and he received many moving letters from all over Japan. You can read selected passages translated in English from the link below.
“I Am Who I Was Meant to Be”
Prologue by Rio’s mother
The World Before Birth
Being Born Is Such a Miracle
What I Learned from Disease
My Family
What the Great Spirit Told Me
Wonders of being Human
Seeing with Soul’s Eyes
Being Alive
Sunlight, Moonlight
Mirror of the Earth
Essay & Poem by Rio’s mother
* More information in English : Sunmark Publishing, Inc.
He also has his second book, “This straight road blessed by the Great Spirit” (2015).
If interested in publishing it in other languages, please contact to Sunmark publisher English website.