


中国で、ぼくの 1st CD「琉球レボリューション」の配信が始まり、ぼくの音楽をアジア全域に届けられるようになりました。固有の伝統の大切さはもちろん、文化と情報のバリアフリーについて、この頃よく考えます。人類を幸せに豊かにするのは、文化の多様性だと思います。いつか世界のみんなと、歌って踊れる日がきますように!

The distribution of my music has started in China, and my music is now available throughout Asia.I have been thinking about the importance of indigenous traditions as well as the accessibility of various cultures and information. I believe that it is the diversity that makes humanity happy and abundant. I hope that one day everyone in the world sing and dance with brightened hearts.
